Friday, August 10, 2007


The beginning of everything is important because it determines the form the thing will take. The Bible strategically began with the book of beginning. The Bible began by telling us how God who has no beginning began everything. When the beginning in Genesis 1 began it met God in existence. The present order of thing we now see began from disorder and chaos. God brought order to the then orderly disorders by ordering all things to fall in there rightful place. The account from verse 2 can be described as recreation account. God brought form to the earth that was without form, filling the forms with new formations by His authoritative information to the precious formless malformations of the cosmos. What came out of the confused cosmos was comely as a result of the divine commands. The presence of God and His words of commands will bring order and form to your confused life now!
Lets give special attention to the first thing God ordered to take immediate form. This again, is another new beginning, so it is important. It is for an important reason that God created the light first. If we agree that from verse 3 is the account of recreation then by inference from verse 1 darkness was there before He said let there be light. Verse two reveal that the earth was without form and darkness was on the face of the deep. By implication, there was the earth and darkness already . Then in verse 2 God said “ Let there be light”. Light is more than just the absence of darkness but the presence of God. Imagine if God created all the beautiful things He made in the dark, how do you think it would have looked like? If God set into your life now and command light to come your life will become beautiful. I decree by Divine order that LET THERE BE LIGHT IN YOUR LIFE NOW!

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